Friday, February 28, 2014


Critical Reading
You need to be able to read science information with depth and understanding. It is different than reading history or literature. We are going to start learning how to read what is assigned and really come away with an understanding and/or what questions to ask next.

This weekend, you will be reading the second Newsela ( article on the Jade Rabbit. I want you to do three things with this article.
1. Number each paragraph in the left hand margin
2. Circle Key terms that would help with understanding, i.e. if you don't know what a rover is then understanding this article might be challenging
3. Underline claims that the author makes.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

I am so PROUD of all of my students for their roles in the Mission to Mars! Good work crews.

Today's Homework is on the website:
Set up your account and log in during class today. Read the article on Ceres and take the short quiz!